Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spam: India among the top, China lower down

India has been ranked second in the list of "dirty dozen" spam relaying countries, accounting for over 7% of global junk mails sent during the first quarter of the year, according to a new study by Sophos.

China, which has earned itself a bad reputation in many country's eyes for being the launch pad of targeted attacks against foreign companies and government networks, but at least in the last 12 months they can demonstrate that the proportion of spam relayed by their computers has steadily reduced, and it ranks at 15, contributing to just 1.9% of the volume.

The top dozen include -
United States - 13.1% of the share of junk messages in the world
India - 7.3%
Brazil - 6.8%
South Korea - 4.48%
Vietnam - 3.4%
Germany - 3.2%
Britain - 3.1%
Russia - 3.1%
Italy - 3.1%
France - 3.0%
Romania - 2.5%
Poland - 2.4%

The Economic Times, 29 April 2010, has two items on the question of spam.
India, South Korea top sources of spam in Asia,
India second top spam generating country in world: Study,

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